Material Religion

New on ejournals@cambridge A-Z : Material Religion: the journal of objects, art and belief.


From the IngentaConnect website for the journal:

Material Religion is an international, peer-reviewed journal which seeks to explore how religion happens in material culture—images, devotional and liturgical objects, architecture and sacred space, works of arts and mass-produced artifacts. No less important than these material forms are the many different practices that put them to work. Ritual, communication, ceremony, instruction, meditation, propaganda, pilgrimage, display, magic, liturgy, and interpretation constitute many of the practices whereby religious material culture constructs the worlds of belief.”


Now available to the University of Cambridge electronically from volume 1 (2005) to present.

Access Material Religion via the ejournals@cambridge A-Z or at this link.

Image: ‘Religious Iconography for Sale’ by The Wandering Angel on Flickr:

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