Oxford Classical Dictionary : “OCD5”

Access is now available to the new, updating edition 5 of the Oxford Classical Dictionary.

Access the dictionary via this link.

In print since 1949, the Oxford Classical Dictionary (OCD) has grown from almost 160 to 6,500 entries on a wide range of topics, and has been an unrivaled single-source reference for the study of the Greco-Roman world.  With its accessible, concise entries, the OCD has long-served as a student’s introduction to richer study, as well as a trusted guide for scholars seeking a ready reference.

Sander Goldberg, Editor in Chief writes:

In planning now for a fifth edition, the OCD confronts not only the familiar challenge of keeping abreast of progress in our dynamic, multi-faceted field, but must engage with a new challenge as well. Where past generations with questions to ask habitually sought out the OCD on its shelf, an ever-growing number of potential users now reach first for one or another digital device and may often content themselves with whatever answers pop up on its screen. That trend away from the stability of print is but one sign of a significant shift in the rhythm and style of academic life. Ours is no longer the world our teachers and our teachers’ teachers knew, and there is no going back, no turning a blind eye, no recourse to half measures in the face of that change. To meet the demands of tomorrow, the OCD must today rethink the very role of a reference tool in this new digital environment. The result of that scrutiny is turning out, happily enough, to be a tremendous opportunity, well in tune with our core values. The field of Classical Studies has never itself been purely text-based: why should its devotees be restricted to research tools that are any more confined to text?

… The collapse of space restrictions will allow for richer and more detailed discussions than before, even as the capabilities of hypertext will enable readers to expand or collapse those discussions to suit their individual interests and abilities. Adding and emending text, however, is not the only change in store: a digital environment promises enrichment far beyond the capabilities of the traditional book. Entries will now be able to integrate maps, images, diagrams, sound clips, and whatever other resources not only clarify issues, but may themselves become substantive elements of the discussion. With the resources of Oxford Scholarship Online at its disposal, OCD5 will also be able to link its entries directly to ancient texts and secondary works, becoming not just a reference tool in its own right but a point of access to a much richer panoply of resources.

Visit the article in full.

“Early exploration of the Black Sea is reflected in the Argonaut story, which, although placed in the generation after the Trojan War, reflects much earlier material (the unusual properties of the Argo go back to an era when seamanship seemed more magic than craft). The Argonauts reached the mouth of the Phasis river (modern Rioni) at the southeastern corner of the Black Sea, and the quest for the Golden Fleece may represent early attempts to profit from the wealth of the remote region of Colchis.”-from the new article on exploration

Digital Commonwealth: Massachusetts Collections Online

The Digital Commonwealth project provides access to thousands of photographs, manuscripts, books, audio recordings, maps, postcards, artifacts, and other material of historical interest that have been made available by libraries, museums, archives and historical societies across Massachusetts.

Barnum and Bailey

The collection can be searched by collection, institution, format, or geographical location. Although the items are all held in collections within Massachusetts they represent the cultural heritage from around the world.

Jamaica MapItems in the collections include American Revolutionary War era maps, a collection of anti-slavery material, photographs by Arthur Griffin ( a photographer for the Boston Globe), botanical prints, and books from Boston Public Library (including this recipe book from 1897 which can be read online via a link provided with the image in the collection.

Art-students and copyists in the Louvre gallery, ParisEach image or recording has a box listing information for the item, including the terms of use by which it can be used.

The image to the left is by Winslow Homer and was published in Harper’s Weekly on 11th January 1868. The terms of use for this image state that there are no known copyright restrictions and no restrictions on use. Whereas a photograph titled ‘Art class in Provincetown dunes’ by Arthur Griffin (taken between 1935 and 1955) is shown to be under copyright with all rights reserved. The two images show interesting similarities as well as obvious differences in the way in which artists work (and dress) almost 100 years apart.

Items from this collection are also available in the Digital Public Library of America – a freely available collection of material from across the US.

Taylor and Francis Online Journal Collection: Upgraded to Full Collection

New on ejournals@cambridge A-Z : Taylor and Francis Online Journal Collection: upgraded to the full collection.



The subscription to the Taylor and Francis Journal Collection has been upgraded by adding the Science & Technology Library to the Social Science & Humanities Library, providing access to about 350 extra titles in the fields of engineering, computer science, environment and agriculture, mathematics, statistics and physics.

For a list of titles included in the Science and Technology Library please click here.

The new collection includes a number of journals which have been recommended for purchase in the last year, including:

The Full Collection includes most journals published by Taylor and Francis, but some titles which are not part of a collection are not covered. Newly published journals will not be automatically included either.

Access titles from the Taylor and Francis Online Journal Collection via the ejournals@cambridge A-Z.