New eresource : Box of Broadcasts (Learning on Screen)

Box of Broadcasts, from Learning on Screen, is available to access via Shibboleth (institutional) log-in. You will need to go to ‘sign in’, search for ‘University of Cambridge’ in the where are you from box, sign in with Raven and then follow the instructions to create an account.

Access is only available within the UK to everything apart from the BBC news reports.

BoB searches the title, metadata and transcripts as well as the broadcast data of upcoming programmes.

To search for content, click on the ‘search’ button at the top of the page. You can search for individual programmes by entering your keywords and clicking the search icon. You can also use the tick box filters under ‘search options’ to adjust your search to precise specifications.

You can also use ‘AND’, ‘OR’, and ‘NOT’ search language to find the content you need. For example, if you need to find a film or TV adaption of the novel Frankenstein, you can search for: ‘Frankenstein’ AND ‘adaption’.

Quick guidance to using BoB:

  • You may: watch & listen to streamed* video/audio for educational and non-commercial use only within the United Kingdom; share and embed programmes, clips and playlists with other authorised users (any embedded videos must always acknowledge the source and title of the programme and the ERA licensing scheme – see text under each video on BoB).
  • You may not: make copies of the video/audio content; use the programmes for non-educational or for commercial use; alter or adapt the programmes apart from simple clip creation; use BoB from outside the United Kingdom; share your personal login credentials with others or make defamatory or abusive comments.

Video guides are available to help you with access to the site.

Learning on Screen provide a number of training courses with advice on making videos available for teaching as well as a number of teaching aids.

In order to use BoB you need to have a modern browser installed. Recommended browsers are:

  • Internet Explorer 11 – Windows 8 (and above)
  • Edge 12 (or later)
  • Mozilla Firefox 44 (or later)
  • Safari 8 (or later)
  • Google Chrome 49 (or later)

Earlier versions of these browsers may work but are not supported.

Text taken from the B.O.B.platform.

Terms and Conditions of use are available.

Image credits:

Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

‘Help’ by Bart Maguire on Flickr –

How to use eresources@cambridge: #10 Getting full access to articles that are not in our eresource collections

If you need an article and we do not have access to it via our ejournal subscriptions you will still be able to get access to the article through your libraries.

Here are the steps can you take to get access

  1. browser plug-ins and Open Access
  2. print copy and Scan & Deliver
  3. Inter-Library Loans/Document Delivery

You can complete these steps without necessarily having to visit a library building, but still making use of the library print collections and zero-contact services.

  1. Browser Plug-ins and Open Access

With the help of browser plug-ins you can search our eresource holdings and Open Access (OA) versions or articles automatically when you visit a publisher website.

Full details of the browser plug-ins are available from Search & Discovery pages.

LibKey Nomad directs you to the website where you would have subscription access to an article and offers Open Access alternatives, if full text access isn’t available, and an open access version is.

2. Print journals and Scan & Deliver

If there is no paid or OA version of the article available electronically we recommend checking for a print copy of the journal on iDiscover. If the journal is available in print, and the library that holds the copy is open, holds the volume you need and offers the service, you can arrange to use the Scan & Deliver service to have a scan of the article emailed to you at no charge.

Members of the University of Cambridge can request Scan & Deliver online.

The University Library currently offers this service for print and Electronic Legal Deposit material (ELD is only available as print outs and there is a £2 charge). The Betty & Gordon  Moore Library  also offers a Scan & Deliver service for their print collection.

Please check with your Faculty or Department Library for details of the services they are currently providing.

3. Inter-Library Loans/Document Delivery

If the article you need is not available electronically or in print in any of our libraries collections you should be able to get hold of a copy via the Inter-Library Loans and Document Delivery teams. If an electronic copy of an article is available from any partnering institution it will be provided to you as a PDF.

A list of the teams providing these services is available.

The Inter-Library Loans team at the University Library are currently able to provide this service for free to members of the University of Cambridge.

You should now have a copy of the article you need. If you don’t, you can contact the author of the article and they may share a copy with you. The majority of publishers permit the author to “responsibly share” their own publications which means that the author can share the published version of the article privately with colleagues in academia for the colleague’s personal (reading) use.

If our holdings state that we should have access but you experience any difficulties then please contact the Electronic Collection Management helpdesk or visit our help pages.

If we do not have a subscription to a title you complete the recommendation form. Please include a reason for recommendation:

Image credits:

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels (please do not use books as coasters)

Photo by Cem Saka from Pexels

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

SAGE Research Methods Online : Video, Cases, & Datasets – trial access

Trial access has been enabled for Cambridge University to the Video, Cases, and Datasets collections on the SAGE Research Methods Online platform until 28 February 2021.

Access is enabled via any device accessing via a VPN connection to the University Data Network (see here for VPN service from the UIS) or via the link provided here or via the Cambridge University Libraries A-Z link on this page. UPDATE – SAGE has enabled access via Shibboleth successfully.

For a nifty neat introduction to the video, cases & datasets see the LibGuide on SRMO and the guide’s individual pages on the video, cases and datasets. There is a User guide and content lists available here.

Please tell us what you think about these resources by completing the feedback form here. Thank you.

Trial access: Soviet Woman & Cumhuriyet Digital Archives

Trial access to the Cumhuriyet Digital Archive has been extended to 26 February. We are grateful to the publisher East View Information Services for this extension of access at this time. Cumhuriyet is Turkey’s oldest daily and leading opposition newspaper. For the original blog post on this trial please see here.

Trial access has also been enabled to the Soviet Woman digital archive via this link until 26 February.

Established in the aftermath of WWII in 1945, the magazine Soviet Woman proclaimed on the cover of its first issue its fundamental mission: “A magazine devoted to social and political problems, literature and art…” Published initially under the aegis of the of Soviet Women’s Anti-Fascist Committee and the Central Council of Trade Unions of the USSR, it began as a bimonthly illustrated magazine tasked with countering anti-Soviet propaganda by introducing Western audiences to the lifestyle of Soviet women, including their role in the post-WWII rebuilding of the Soviet economy, and their achievements in the arts and the sciences. Originally published simultaneously in Russian, English, German and French, the magazine went on to add more foreign language editions aimed at reaching an even wider audience both in the West and elsewhere to balance the Western narrative about the Soviet Union in these countries with a pro-Soviet ideological counterweight.

The Soviet Woman digital archive contains all obtainable published issues from the very first issue, comprising more than 500 issues and over 7,500 articles.

The Soviet Woman digital archive offers scholars the most comprehensive collection available for this title, and features full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and searchable text, and is cross-searchable with numerous other East View digital resources.

Please tell us what you think about these archives by completing the trial feedback form here. Thank you

New e-resource: PsycTESTS

From the American Psychological Association, PsycTESTS provides over 58,000 psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys & other assessments

Cambridge University now has access to PsycTests, a one-of-a-kind resource for measurement and instrumentation tools.

Professionally indexed, the APA PsycTests® database is an extensive collection of items associated with psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to the information needs of professionals, students, and educators across the behavioural and social sciences.

Focused on a collection of instrumentation tools developed for research but not made commercially available, APA PsycTests helps practitioners easily find scales and measures for their own use. APA PsycTests is an indispensable resource for students looking to conduct, create, or measure research in multiple fields of study.

This online resource has been made available through special funding provided by the University to support teaching and learning impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the unavailability of library resources on campus.

New e-resources: Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Authored by the experts, Oxford Research Encylcopedia articles deliver in-depth thinking & analysis of a wide range of subjects in the humanities, social sciences, and on emerging themes in the sciences.

The Oxford Research Encyclopedias (OREs) offer long-form overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. Cambridge University members now have access online to all the OREs published.

The OREs cover both foundational and cutting-edge topics in order to develop, over time, an anchoring knowledge base for major areas of research across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.

Cambridge University now has access to all the OREs which currently comprise the following subjects: African history; American history; Anthropology; Asian history; Business & Management; Climate science; Communication; Criminology and Criminal justice; Economics and finance; Education; Social work; Environmental science; Global public health; International studies; Latin American history; Linguistics; Literature; Natural hazard science; Neuroscience; Physics; Planetary science; Politics; Psychology; Religion.

These online encyclopaedias have been made available through special funding provided by the University to support teaching and learning impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the unavailability of library resources on campus.

New e-resources: Historical Newspaper Archives, including British Library Newspapers, & Digital Scholar Lab

Digital Archives of Historical Newspapers of critical importance to the humanities and social sciences.

British Library Newspapers : All 5 parts now available : Cambridge University now has online access to the complete British Library Newspapers, adding Part III: 1740-1950, Part IV: 1732-1950, and Part V: 1746-1950, comprising regional newspapers from across the UK offering new insights from alternative sources of history voiced from outside the national newspapers.

Major newspaper archives available for 2021: Key archives, including the Financial Times archive and the Punch archive, are available online for 2021 only. (Continuation of access of these archives will be reviewed at the end of 2021.)

New insights to be uncovered from text-mining newspaper archives : Users may now browse millions of news pages or search keywords, themes, or term frequencies and term clusters on each archive’s platform. To take research on the archives to a new level, identifying previously undiscovered data, testing theories, analysing results, and gaining new insights, Cambridge now makes available Gale’s Digital Scholar Lab for text mining across all or a selection of the archives.

The digital archives are listed here or can be accessed via the links below. Discover the newspaper archives available on the British and Overseas & Foreign Language Newspapers pages or on the Newspapers LibGuide.

Cambridge University Libraries makes available from 2021 the following newspaper archives from Gale Cengage. These new digital archives have been made available through special funding provided by the University to support teaching and learning impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the unavailability of library resources on campus.

British Library Newspapers

All 5 parts of the British Library Newspapers are now available, comprising collections from the British Library which span 300 years of newspaper publishing in the U.K. The rise of newspapers in Britain was a phenomenon which characterized a new age. The newspaper was increasingly a medium for information required by the commercially minded societies of major cities and regional centres. Taken as a whole, the huge production of newspapers in Britain provides an enormous resource for research on all subjects for all of the U.K., both urban and rural. Cultural trends, political currents and social problems are reflected in the newspapers and give new freshness and immediacy to the historic events.

Daily Mail archive

Described by the New Yorker as “the newspaper that rules Britain,” the Daily Mail has been at the heart of British journalism since 1896, regularly changing the course of government policy and setting the national debate. It currently boasts a circulation of over 2 million, and its website is the most visited news site in the world.

As well as the regular edition of the newspaper, the Daily Mail Historical Archive also includes the Daily Mail Atlantic Edition, which was published on board the cruise ships that sailed between New York and Southampton from 1923 to 1931. Copies were printed and sold to passengers on every day of the five-day voyages, with news transmitted from London and New York to the middle of the Atlantic by wireless radio transmission. These editions published different content to the regular London version of the paper and contained articles specifically commissioned for the journey, with a heavy emphasis on American content.

More than 100 years of this major UK national newspaper can be viewed in full digital facsimile form, with copious advertisements, news stories, and images that capture twentieth-century culture and society. The archive is currently available to 31 December 2021 when we will review whether access can be extended.

Telegraph archive

The Telegraph was once the world’s largest-selling newspaper. Researchers and students can full-text search across 1 million pages of the newspaper’s backfile from its first issue to the end of 2000, including issues of the Sunday Telegraph from 1961.

Launched in 1855, The Telegraph is generally seen by press historians as the start of a new era of journalism that emerged following the repeal of stamp duty and signaling the first step towards the mass-market journalism of the Daily Mail.

Directed at a wealthy, well-educated readership, the newspaper is commonly associated with traditional Toryism despite its more liberal beginnings, especially in regard to foreign policy. Under the editorship of poet and Orientalist Edwin Arnold from 1873 to 1899, the paper frequently featured articles on foreign affairs and foreign cultures. This led to The Telegraph‘s coverage of Henry Morton Stanley’s expedition to Africa in search of David Livingstone, which was co-sponsored with the New York Herald.

In 1908, the Daily Telegraph published an infamous interview with Kaiser Wilhelm, the German chancellor who alienated the British public with such uncensored comments as “you English are mad, mad, mad as march hares.” During World War II, the cryptic crossword puzzle used to recruit Allied codebreakers was published in the Telegraph.

The Telegraph also included many notable contributors, such as George Augustus Sala. One of the most famous journalists of the nineteenth century, Sala pioneered a more lively, personal style of writing and reported from all over the world. He is also celebrated for his coverage of the US Civil War. In addition, Sir Winston Churchill’s first journalistic attempts were contained within the pages of The Telegraph, written when he was a twenty-two-year-old army officer. The archive is currently available to 31 December 2021 when we will review whether access can be extended.

American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society

American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society contains over 195 titles, starting in the Colonial era, moving through the Civil War and Reconstruction, and into the twentieth century. One of the biggest strengths of this collection is the diversity of content. While the major issues are covered, the periodicals included go beyond politics, economics and general history. Alongside titles dedicated to arts and literature, there is coverage ranging from entertainment to agriculture, building a comprehensive and expansive record of the era. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

Financial Times Archive

1886-2016. Every article, advertisement, and market listing is included — shown both individually and in the context of the full page and issue of the day. Each item has been subject- or topic-categorized for fast retrieval and review.

The paper began as a City of London news sheet and grew to become one of the best-known and most-respected newspapers in the world. Along the way, the Financial Times — printed on its distinctive salmon-colored paper — has chronicled the critical financial and economic events that shaped the world, from the late nineteenth and entire twentieth centuries to today. This historical archive is a comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased research tool for everyone studying the economic and business history and current affairs of the last approximately 120 years.

Initially focused on the global financial and economic issues that were to become the predominant forces of the twentieth century, the Financial Times expanded coverage in the postwar years, reporting on topics such as industry, energy, and international politics. In more recent decades, coverage of management, personal finance, and the arts have been added. Today, with more full-time foreign correspondents than any other European newspaper, a wider readership internationally than in the UK, worldwide circulation of nearly 500,000, and estimated global readership of more than 1.9 million people, the Financial Times is recognized as the complete newspaper for the world of business throughout the world [Source: FT Average Daily Global Audience (ADGA), May 2010]. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

International Herald Tribune Archive

Sold in over 160 countries and read worldwide, the International Herald Tribune is one of the most innovative and original newspapers, famous for its objective and clear coverage. Bringing an international perspective, it provides a valuable counterpoint to the Anglo-American press, adding a new dimension to research.

An online, fully searchable facsimile, the International Herald Tribune Historical Archive, 1887–2013 delivers the full run of this internationally-focused daily paper, from its first issue through to 2013. Articles, advertisements, and market listings are included—shown both individually and in the context of the full page and issue of the day. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

Mirror Archive

The Daily Mirror Historical Archive extends the ‘mass market’ content available in Gale Historical Newspapers. The Daily Mirror (working-class) and the Daily Mail (middle class) challenged the broadsheet dominance of newspapers such as The Times and The Telegraph, providing both an alternative view and journalistic style which went on to dominate the British newspaper market in the second half of the twentieth century.

“The Mirror is a sensationalist newspaper. We make no apology for that. We believe in the sensational presentation of news and views, especially important news and views, as a necessary and valuable public service in these days of mass readership and democratic responsibility […] Sensationalism does not mean distorting the truth. It means the vivid and dramatic presentation of events so as to give them a forceful impact on the mind of the reader”. (Sylvester Bolam, editor of the Daily Mirror, 1949.)

Started by Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord Northcliffe) in 1903, The Daily Mirror was influential in changing the course of British newspapers in the second half of the twentieth century, becoming Britain’s bestselling daily newspaper by 1949. Consistently left-leaning and populist to reflect the views of its target working-class audience, it offers a counterpoint to the more conservative newspapers that dominated the late nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, such as The Times and The Telegraph. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

Nichols Newspapers Collection

John Nichols (1745–1826) was a printer and former Master of the Stationers’ Company, biographer of Hogarth and Swift, and writer of a county history of Leicestershire. He began collecting newspapers around 1778 through purchasing a large share in the Gentleman’s Magazine, who had provided Samuel Johnson with his first regular employment as a writer. Not only did he collect many more materials after this, he also made them available to scholars, a tradition continued by the Bodleian Library, and now Gale. The collection contains over 150,000 pages of printed text, spanning nearly 100 years of history.

Through a partnership with the Bodleian Library, Gale has digitally scanned each page of this collection, and with Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Nichols Newspapers Collection brings these rare documents to scholars around the world in an easy-to-use, full-text searchable digital format. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

Picture Post Archive

The Picture Post Historical Archive, 1938–1957 comprises the complete archive of the Picture Post from its first issue in 1938 to its last in 1957 – all digitized from originals in full colour. Picture Post’s innovative use of photojournalism captured the imagination of the British people. In the era before television, it became the window on the world for ordinary people, bringing the major social and political issues of the day into popular consciousness. Above all, Picture Post provides a fascinating snapshot of British life from the 1930s to the 1950s, with thousands of photos of ordinary people doing ordinary things — from boys rolling a tyre, to a view of a postwar bedsit, to young women on a rollercoaster — all caught in a single moment in time.

Users can browse and search more than 38,000 pages and 95,000 articles online, gaining remarkable insight into a crucial period of twentieth-century history — from the stormy years leading up to World War II to the first decade of the Cold War. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

Punch Archive

From 1841 to 1992, Punch was the world’s most celebrated magazine of wit and satire. From its early years as a campaigner for social justice to its transformation into national icon, Punch played a central role in the formation of British identity — and how the rest of the world saw the British nation. With approximately 7,900 issues (200,000 pages) from all volumes of Punch between 1841-1992, including Almanacks and other special numbers (issues), as well as prefaces, epilogues, indexes, and other specially produced material from the bound volumes, and the images in the archive appear as originally published, the Punch Historical Archive, 1841–1992 enhances teaching, learning, and research This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

Sunday Times Archive

The twentieth-century run of this newspaper is powerful in its hard-hitting and investigative journalism, with in-depth information and widely researched, long-term news stories. It is an important resource for all humanities and social sciences courses, especially in history, media studies/journalism, literature, cultural studies, politics, and performing arts. The Sunday Times Historical Archive 1822-2016 brings two centuries of news together in one resource, providing the complete run of the newspaper and its supplements, in one cross-searchable and browseable platform.

Despite the similarity of names, the Sunday Times was an entirely separate paper from The Times until 1966, when both papers came under common ownership. To this day, the Sunday Times remains editorially independent from the Times, with its own remit and perspective on the news.

The Sunday Times is famous for many of its stories, including Kim Philby’s outing as a Soviet spy, the thalidomide investigation, and the publishing of Adolph Hitler’s diaries. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

The Independent Archive

The Independent is a major British daily national newspaper, launched in 1986 as an antidote to its often overtly political rivals. Its evolution over a quarter of a century has been considerable, but the publication has also retained a unique position in British journalism. Featuring journalists and columnists from across the political spectrum, the paper is generally regarded as centrist, presenting fresh, alternative views on the free market, social issues, and culture.

Over the last thirty years, the Independent has taken strong campaigning positions on issues such as drug legislation, the war on terror, and the environment. It received the Newspaper of the Year award in 1987 by What the Papers Say Awards, a BBC radio and television program. It received the award during its first full year of publication, and by the end of 1988, its circulation had risen to more than 400,000. This success led to the launch of The Independent on Sunday in January 1990. In the 1990s, The Independent scored a series of scoops when it published three separate interviews by its Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk with a then little-known Osama bin Laden. In British politics, it has been a strong advocate of electoral reform, arguing that the UK’s first-past-the-post system and unelected House of Lords are not suited to a modern democracy. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

The Listener Archive

The Listener was a weekly magazine established by the BBC in 1929 under its director-general, Lord Reith. It was the intellectual counterpart to the BBC listings magazine, Radio Times. Developed as the medium for reproducing broadcast talks — initially on radio, but in later years television as well — the Listener is one of the few records and means of accessing the content of many early broadcasts. In addition to commentary expanding on the intellectual broadcasts of the week, the Listener also previewed major literary and musical shows and regularly reviewed new books. Over its sixty-two-year history, the Listener attracted the contributions of literary icons such as E. M. Forster, George Orwell, Bertrand Russell, George Bernard Shaw, and Virginia Woolf. It also provided an important platform for new writers and poets, with W. H. Auden, Sylvia Plath, and Philip Larkin being notable examples.

Articles were diverse, with features on the death of King George V; a series of essays accompanying Sir Kenneth Clark’s landmark art history show Civilization; interviews with authors such as Vladimir Nabokov; and the historian Geoffrey Elton writing on the decline of British universities in the 1960s. What united them was the BBC’s cultural mission (as created by Reith) of educating the masses. This archive is available up to 31 December 2021.

New e-resources: Current Protocols

In the lab physically or virtually, publisher Wiley’s Current Protocols provide Cambridge scientists with their information needs to aid teaching, learning, and discovery.

Cambridge University now has access to all the subjects in the Current Protocols series.

The Current Protocols collection includes over 24,000 step-by-step techniques, procedures, and practical overviews that provide researchers with reliable, efficient methods to ensure reproducible results and pave the way for critical scientific discovery.

With its emphasis on carefully curated, highly edited methods rich in detail, practical advice, and troubleshooting, Current Protocols enables researchers to advance their research with an efficiency of time and resources. The protocols are organized and available by title, spanning the major disciplines in the life sciences.

Current Protocols techniques are important for anyone engaged in scientific research. Students, technicians, and post-docs will find Current Protocols invaluable for their bench work. Lab heads and department chairs will find Current Protocols useful for grant writing and budgeting, and for planning long-term research projects.

Cambridge University now has access to all the current protocols which are in the following subjects: Bioinformatics; Chemical Biology; Cell Biology; Cytometry; Current Protocols: Essential Laboratory Techniques; Food Analytical Chemistry; Human Genetics; Immunology; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Molecular Biology; Microbiology; Mouse Biology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology; Protein Science; Toxicology; Stem Cell Biology

These new online resources have been made available through special funding provided by the University to support teaching and learning impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the unavailability of library resources on campus.

A link is provided to the current protocols on the Cambridge University Libraries A-Z of e-resources and to the individual protocol titles and articles in iDiscover.

New e-resource: Anthropology Resource Library

Cambridge anthropology is now supported by online access to the collections of the Anthropology Resource Library, including sound and video archives and digital transcripts of ethnographic fieldwork studies

Cambridge University now has access to the full wealth and range of the Anthropology Resource Library from ProQuest. The online library comprises the largest collection of ethnographic video documentaries and primary footage—over 1,500 hours, with many rare and exclusive titles from independent production companies and researchers.

The library also includes 2,000 historic field recordings from around the world, alongside their supporting field notes and ethnographers’ metadata, opening new paths for the study of music in its cultural context; 250,000 audio recordings from a wide range of labels including Smithsonian Folkways Recordings; rare and previously unpublished field research from partners such as the Royal Anthropological Institute, the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress, and university archives such as the London School of Economics and Vassar College. The Anthropology Resource Library can be accessed via this link or you can go directly to the individual collections:

Anthropological Fieldwork Online

This fully indexed, primary-source database unfolds the historical development of anthropology from a global perspective—with archival collections from North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific — including key field notebooks, images, and recordings of the early- to mid-20th century. The collection brings together the work of scholars who shaped the theories and methods students learn about, critique, and reshape in their own fieldwork endeavors today. Content is focused around each scholar’s prominent expedition field experience, with comprehensive inclusion of fieldwork, contextualizing documents from the same time period, including correspondence, and subsequent writings that led to major publications, such as draft manuscripts, lectures, and articles. Users will see the full qualitative scholarly process unfold in all its iterations, from data gathering in the field to later analysis, early writings, and final publication

Anthropology Online

Anthropology Online brings together a wide range of written ethnographies, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human culture and behavior the world over. The collection contains the published versions of the research aggregated in Anthropological Fieldwork Online, making this database a perfect companion piece. When used together, the two collections present firsthand insight into the process that transforms field notes into finished manuscripts. The collection is a comprehensive resource for the study of social and cultural life throughout the 20th century, providing the works of such key practitioners and theorists as Franz Boas, Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, Claude Levi-Strauss, Clifford Geertz, Max Gluckman, David MacDougall, Paul Rabinow, E. E. Evans- Pritchard, Robert Borofsky, and more

Ethnographic video online

Ethnographic Video Online contains documentaries, shorts, and ethnographies from every continent and hundreds of cultures, and include films from the most significant names in visual anthropology, such as the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) ethnographic film library, and many independent producers and distributors previously unavailable outside their regions. With footage from the early days of film in the field, contemporary counterpoints, and the classic titles, these films provide core visual materials for anthropology courses at all levels. Explore growing areas of study such as environmental anthropology, medical anthropology, and language preservation

Ethnographic sound archives online

Ethnographic Sound Archives Online is an initiative to digitize and make available previously unpublished field recordings that underpin the history of ethnomusicology and that represent research around the world. Curated to integrate field recordings with their contextualizing field notes and supporting field materials, the collection opens new paths for analyzing, interrogating, and connecting historic primary sources in context. Music is tightly woven into society and culture — it accompanies rituals and dances, and fills social spaces. It is the goal of the ethnomusicologist to document sound in this broader context, so field recordings are often accompanied by film footage, photographs, handwritten notes, and records of the larger soundscape. Where possible, the audio in this collection is presented along with its contextual materials, totaling more than 10,000 pages of field notes and 150 hours of film footage, recreating music’s relationship to its cultural context in a digital space

These new online collections have been made available through special funding provided by the University to support teaching and learning impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the unavailability of library resources on campus.

Find more resources in anthropology and get expert support from librarians, visit the Anthropology & Archaeology LibGuide.

New e-resources: AIAA Meeting Papers Current; AIAA Meeting Papers 1923-2017; SciTech Forum Papers

Availability of the latest information is key to aeronautical research & teaching in the University

Cambridge University now has access to the current as well as the archive of the papers of the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA). Every year, AIAA publishes approximately 5,000 papers from AIAA’s Forums and supported conferences. Covering every aspect of aerospace, they represent the most important — and most complete — source of recent research results and innovative thinking in everything from engineering and science to policy and standards. A complete archive, researchers have access to historical first papers published by AIAA in 1923 through current year.

AIAA meeting papers provide information on aerospace technology, engineering, and science. They include the most important developments and the latest research in air and space history. This is the key resource through which research groups in aeronautical/aerospace/mechanical engineering, especially from the US, disseminate their research through AIAA conferences. 

The AIAA papers will provide access to unique content of importance to the research undertaken by the Department of Engineering. This new online resource has been made available through special funding provided by the University to support teaching and learning impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the unavailability of library resources on campus.

For more information on resources for Engineering visit the Engineering Sciences LibGuide.