The journal Sociologie du travail leaves ELSEVIER for Open Access on

The journal Sociologie du travail has terminated the contract it has had with Elsevier since 1999 and is moving to a fully digital form of Open Access on

Issue 59, Volume 1 of Sociologie du travail, entitled “Les syndicats face aux transformations du secteur public”, has just been published on The journal has also been given a makeover. This is a twofold turning point for the journal, which is both breaking with restricted access distribution on Elsevier and switching from print to digital. For Didier Demanière, author of this issue’s editorial, the change “signals a rupture with an international publisher contested for its exorbitant fees and positions the journal in the movement for open access to scientific articles”.

“The arrival of Sociologie du travail on OpenEdition is an important event in our eyes”, observes Marin Dacos, director of the Centre for Open Electronic Publishing (Cléo), which runs OpenEdition. “This is a journal that is an authority in its field and which is joining us and deciding to leave Elsevier, a publishing magnate that for 30 years has contributed to making libraries’ acquisitions budgets skyrocket. We are proud to help it choose open access and to offer it international visibility on OpenEdition.”

The journal has chosen to be published on using the Freemium programme, with the HTML format of texts accessible to all readers and the PDF and ePub formats reserved to users affiliated to subscribing libraries and institutions. This formula enables journals to enjoy greater visibility in university networks, while also generating income.

Founded in 1959, Sociologie du travail is one of France’s most longstanding sociology journals. Centred on the field of work, the publication nevertheless remains a generalist journal of sociology, grappling with current issues. The issues published between 2014 and 2016 will gradually be transferred to the new site. The older issues are available on Science Direct, Persée and Jstor.

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