New e-resource: Shinpen Kokka taikan 新編国歌大観

Shinpen Kokka taikan 新編国歌大観 has been added to Cambridge University’s JapanKnowledge subscription.

The electronic version of this multi-volume reference work for Japanese poetry allows powerful keyword searching across all volumes so that you can find related items or identify a poem from a small portion of it.

Access Kokka taikan via JapanKnowledge (limited to 4 people at a time from Cambridge)

Our subscription to JapanKnowledge includes many eBooks, in addition to those eBooks accessible directly from iDiscover.

Of course, JapanKnowledge has dictionaries and encyclopaedias, but it also has Edo meisho zue 江戸名所図会 (1834 and 1836), 772 volumes of the Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫, all 88 volumes of the Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū 新編 日本古典文学全集, 518 issues of Fūzoku gaho 風俗画報 (1889-1916), the 133 volumes of the Gunsho ruijū 群書類従(正・続・続々), and up to 2 years at a time of the Shūkan Ekonomisuto 週刊エコノミスト (2020-2021).

List of contents: Please note the list of contents includes some extras that we do not subscribe to, mainly under the heading JK Books at the bottom of the page.

The Kokin Wakashū is generally regarded as the definitive anthology of waka poetry.

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